VoodooLabs > Information & Feedback

Keep getting error accessing forum

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Here is more details from my side:

I tested using 3 computers.

1) Work computer running firefox 3.6. It was having problems accessing until I clears all my cache and cookies. Now it is working fine as I am posting using this computer. Windows XP.

2) Home computer running firefox 3.6. Never had problem with this. Works fine. Windows 7 x64.

3) Netbook tested at work and at home. firefox 3.6 also but keep getting that banned message. Tried using safari 4 and it works!! OSX 10.6.2.

Any information you guys require, just ask.


Thanks for the update abubin,

Clearing caches+cookies from time to time is troubleshooting step  #1 :)

You both visit from countries/IPs abused by spambots, so please keep an eye on your IP . Also since you both prefer FF, do the Mozilla Devs a favour and let them know about this, help 'em fix it.

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