
Author Topic: Front Panel audio problems  (Read 4770 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
Front Panel audio problems
« on: July 26, 2010, 04:27:35 AM »
I have a GA-EP45-UD3LR with the ALC888 audio chip set. At first I used the VoodooHDA.kext to make this chip set work. I found a AppleHDA.kext at kext.com that is specifically for this chip set. Now my System profiler shows the ALC888 chipset and I can configure it form the Audio System Preferences. BUT somehow my audio front panel isn't working anymore. With the VoodooHDA it worked. Is there a way of using both HDA kext or maybe there is a separate voodoo kext that makes the front panel work only? I know that with both HDA kext installed I will get a kernel panic for sure. :(
Any ideas how to fix this problems.......Ty :confused:

nv9800 GT 512