Author Topic: How to change boot.png?  (Read 9458 times)

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How to change boot.png?
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:53:35 PM »
Hello.  Long time lurker, first time poster.  Hope I'm not double posting, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my question (I DID look through the how-to-build-yr-theme section) which is: all I want to do is replace the apple logo above the spinning kernel wheel thingy on a hackintoshed dell mini 10v.  I've tried simply replacing the apple boot.png with my desired choice, but no dice.  Word on the street is that legacy logo needs to be changed to off.  However, even though I've changed the permissions to read & write after trying to save the in text edit, I get a "cannot be saved" announcement.  Help or advice greatly appreciated and please accept my noobie apologies if this is posted in the wrong spot ::)!

Moderator EDIT: blackosx changed icon of this post to a question mark to make non-theme posts stand out.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 12:34:46 PM by Blackosx »


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 04:02:13 PM »
Its a shame that you feel the need to apologize for being a noob and not understanding all of this. After reading some of the posts there is a definite lack of patience/undertone of hostility exuded from many of the responses. Hopefully someone will be willing to assist you without all the groveling. Others out there will want to know the answers to your questions for a system that is still being documented. These forums will hopefully lead to better documentation as well.


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2010, 05:53:08 PM »
Hello.  Long time lurker, first time poster.  Hope I'm not double posting, but I haven't been able to find an answer to my question (I DID look through the how-to-build-yr-theme section) which is: all I want to do is replace the apple logo above the spinning kernel wheel thingy on a hackintoshed dell mini 10v.  I've tried simply replacing the apple boot.png with my desired choice, but no dice.  Word on the street is that legacy logo needs to be changed to off.  However, even though I've changed the permissions to read & write after trying to save the in text edit, I get a "cannot be saved" announcement.  Help or advice greatly appreciated and please accept my noobie apologies if this is posted in the wrong spot ::)!

I am making the assumption that you are using Chameleon to boot your system and it is using a theme.  Based on that assumption, I can tell you how I changed my boot image.

I happen to have used a png file file I found in the Themes area of this forum.  It is an apple shape with a skull appearance.  I opened a terminal session and changed into my /Extra/Themes directory.  Then change into the directory for the theme I was using with Chameleon.

Depending on the file permissions, this work may need to be done with admin authority. For that reason, I normally change to admin authority at the start.

Code: [Select]
sudo -s followed by the enter key and then supply your password.

The next step was to save the original boot.png file located there.
Code: [Select]
cp boot.png  boot-bkup.pngThen, copy in the new file and replace the old boot.png file.
Code: [Select]
cp -f /Extra/Themes/skull.png  ./boot.png
That was all that was required.  The next time I re-booted the system it had the skull shaped boot image.   Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2010, 01:16:47 AM »
Blade, I am using Chameleon to boot.  So there's no way to do this simply by going into the default theme folder (i.e., command + shift + g) and editing the plist?  Terminal makes me a bit nervous, but now's as good a time as any to get my feet wet.  At any rate, I'm still curious as to why since my permissions are set to read AND write for plist editing in textedit, textedit tells me I can't save the plist document when I try to turn legacy logo off.  To the terminal then!  Thanks Blade.


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2010, 02:10:29 AM »
Blade, I am using Chameleon to boot.  So there's no way to do this simply by going into the default theme folder (i.e., command + shift + g) and editing the plist?  Terminal makes me a bit nervous, but now's as good a time as any to get my feet wet.  At any rate, I'm still curious as to why since my permissions are set to read AND write for plist editing in textedit, textedit tells me I can't save the plist document when I try to turn legacy logo off.  To the terminal then!  Thanks Blade.

There is no reason to be afraid of using the terminal.  However, there is every reason to be *very* careful while using admin (root) authority.  The old unix joke  "he who plays in the root will eventually kill the tree" lives on for a reason.

Still, sometimes, that is the easiest way to get things done.  If you want to be extra careful, make sure you have a current backup (TimeMachine or other) and then do the changes.  Proof read the command you are about to type - twice - then run it.  If you don't understand what the command does, read the man page for the command.

e.g.,  if the command is "cp -a -f file-one file-two"  and you don't know what the -a or -f flags do enter
Code: [Select]
man cpin your terminal session and it will explain the meaning of the flags.  The main, killer command be weary of is the remove command "rm".  Because, issued as "rm -rf" it will remove about everything in sight.  so, don't do that!
Base system: HP Pavilion P6340f Desktop  Intel� Core2Quad�  CPU: Speed: 2.66 GHz   Package: Socket 775 LGA:  L2 Cache 2 x 2048 KB  RAM : 8.0 GB:  DDR3

Disks : 2 eSATA @ 2 TB (hardware raid 1), NAS 4 x 2 TB raid 5 Display : 21" Samsung on EVGA GeForce 9400 GT - PCIe - 1900x1080  Keyboard/mouse :  USB connected  OS Version : 10.6.0 from retail DVD + SW update to 10.6.5 - Kernel:  Vanilla mach_kernel


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2010, 04:32:59 AM »
"The main, killer command be weary of is the remove command "rm".  Because, issued as "rm -rf" it will remove about everything in sight.  so, don't do that!"


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2010, 01:27:21 PM »
I have a mean looking apple skull staring back at me on boot!


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2010, 06:07:51 PM »
I have a mean looking apple skull staring back at me on boot!

Congratulations! :)
Base system: HP Pavilion P6340f Desktop  Intel� Core2Quad�  CPU: Speed: 2.66 GHz   Package: Socket 775 LGA:  L2 Cache 2 x 2048 KB  RAM : 8.0 GB:  DDR3

Disks : 2 eSATA @ 2 TB (hardware raid 1), NAS 4 x 2 TB raid 5 Display : 21" Samsung on EVGA GeForce 9400 GT - PCIe - 1900x1080  Keyboard/mouse :  USB connected  OS Version : 10.6.0 from retail DVD + SW update to 10.6.5 - Kernel:  Vanilla mach_kernel


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Re: How to change boot.png?
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2010, 11:54:12 PM »
@aristizzle, welcome to the forums. :)

I know the first post can be a bit daunting but as long as you follow the guidelines, as you did here, then there's no need to feel worried about being a noob..  We are all noobs when it comes to anything we don't know.

Great support job Bladerunner ;)
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