
Author Topic: [Solved] "invisible" console font?  (Read 3850 times)

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[Solved] "invisible" console font?
« on: September 12, 2010, 10:21:12 PM »
Hi there,

after plenty months of messing around with Windows, I finally got the Snow Leopard Retail version running just perfect on my MSI Wind U100 netbook, of course in combination with the Chameleon boot loader :)

Since I already got the BIOS flashed with the legitimate apple logo (the one in front of a grey background during boot time), I'm trying to get a perfect "flawless" boot (just the boot image and then the desktop), but there's one thing which is still bugging me: The "press any key to enter boot options"-stuff. I already got the "boot banner" set to "no".

So I was trying to disable it by creating a new console font with the #BFBFBF hex color code (same as the background) and putting it into the EFi partition, but that just looks stupid (because the letters are having some sort of shadow).

Finally: Is there any way to totally disable the console font? Deleting the .png file? Or putting an empty one in instead?

WindySnow :)

PS: Sorry if there are any grammatical and/or spelling mistakes in this text. I don't speak english natively.

Mod Edit: Appended [Solved] to post title.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 08:33:22 AM by Blackosx »


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Re: "invisible" console font?
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2010, 04:01:18 PM »
Finally: Is there any way to totally disable the console font? Deleting the .png file? Or putting an empty one in instead?
Hi windysnow

The only way you could do this is to use a blank font_small.png file as you've already guessed. As long as you don't have the need to identify multiple partitions of the same type then you can do without it.
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