
Author Topic: Paper, Rock, Scissor  (Read 7997 times)

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  • VoodooLabs
  • Posts: 52
Paper, Rock, Scissor
« on: January 29, 2011, 09:54:21 PM »
Is there anybody going to do right order?
Code: [Select]
// TODO: fix this, the order does matter, and it's not correct now.
// Also try to load Extensions from boot helper partitions.
if (gBootVolume->flags & kBVFlagBooter)
strcpy(dirSpecExtra, "/com.apple.boot.P/System/Library/");
if (FileLoadDrivers(dirSpecExtra, 0) != 0)
strcpy(dirSpecExtra, "/com.apple.boot.R/System/Library/");
if (FileLoadDrivers(dirSpecExtra, 0) != 0)
strcpy(dirSpecExtra, "/com.apple.boot.S/System/Library/");
FileLoadDrivers(dirSpecExtra, 0);
PRS = Paper, Rock, Scissor
Order must be:
1. If P and R then P.
2. If P and S then S.
3. If R and S then R.


  • VoodooLabs
  • Posts: 65
Re: Paper, Rock, Scissor
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2011, 07:03:23 AM »
It's fixed in a couple of version of my branch (never committed). I didn't like how I fixed it so instead I added the TODO message.

No available branches currently have it fixed.

Note that this should probably be under the development section.
return c ? c : !c;