Chameleon > Questions & Info

Apple Logo Boot Screen


I see the variety of themes for the BootLoader.... but don't see screen shots for the OSX Loading-Apple Screen. Do any of these chameleon themes also come with a customized apple screen? (That's what I want to also change....)

I'm using the Tonymac remixed theme from multibeast, but the apple logo is this flat plain image. I swore that somewhere during all my failed attempts in getting SL working that the Andyboot pckg or the Regae pckg contained a different apple screen, not just diff screens of the bootloaders...... But I don't want to futz up the whole system that I finally got working by re-installing one of these packages that doesn't just put on only a theme.

Chameleon can load a boot.png file which will be drawn instead of the grey apple logo when the kernel is booting. This boot.png file can be a full sized image is you prefer, though depending on the file size it might be noticeably slow to be drawn as at this point there are no video drivers loaded. But it does work.
On the flip side, if a theme has a boot.png file which is not wanted then add the following boot option will instruct Chameleon to ignore it and use the default Apple logo instead:

--- Code: ---<key>Legacy Logo</key>
--- End code ---


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