
Author Topic: one disk, two os x installations, different dsdt.aml for each installation  (Read 6840 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
Is it possible?

I have the following partitions on my laptop:
sda1 - EFI - not used at all, automatically made by disk utility from os x
sda2 - Mavericks
sda3 - Windows 7
sda4 - data storage
sda 5 - Ubuntu
sda 6 - linux swap
sda 7 - Mountain Lion

Chameleon is installed on "Mountain Lion" partition. And on "Mountain Lion", there is /Extra folder, where I keep org.chameleon.boot.plist, dsdt and ssdt files for ML.

Now I'm trying to set up Mavericks installation, however, for some reason I want to change some things compared to ML, and use a differently modified dsdt. I think it was somehow possible to set up custom path to dsdt file I want to use, but is it possible to automatically use dsdt from /Extra on Mavericks when I boot Mavericks, dsdt from ML when I boot ML, no dsdt at all when I boot win/linux -  without typing anything in chameleon each time when computer starts? I guess I have to edit the org.chameleon.boot.plist, but I don't know how.

And what's the default priority of loading dsdt.aml from different partitions? The one from partition that's being booted, or the one where chameleon is installed, or randomly? What if there is a dsdt.aml in the booted partition (other than chameleon partition), and when there isn't one?
Is it a good idea to install chameleon on the unused efi partition? (I have hybrid MBR/GPT partition table, and I use windows in "MBR" mode).

And another question - does chameleon inject the custom dsdt into windows too? Because when I boot windows from chameleon, one of the devices is not working (accelerometer - it parks the disk when laptop falls from desk - exclamation mark in device manager - device cannot be initialized or something like that). I can live with that, but I'm curious.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2014, 12:47:46 PM by mm34639 »