Author Topic: GraphicsEnabler w/ NVS140: QE/CI work, all highlights have purple hue?  (Read 2832 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
I'm hesitant to call this a "bug", but it's a behavior I've seen only with the GraphicsEnabler tag.

I have a Dell Latitude D830 with a Nvidia NVS140M running on Leopard 10.6.1 Retail (actual bought Snow Leopard DVD).  I've been able to get the card to work fully with QE/CI enabeld with both NVKush.kext, and also (my preference) with stock kexts using Graphics Enabler.  The only difference I've been able to see is that using GraphicsEnabler, all graphics/icons have a purple hue to them.  This appears to be some kind of common highlight, as some times on screen refreshes after clicking the spotlight icon you can see these "highlights" turn blue and then purple again.  It's not nearly a big enough problem to keep me from using the system, it's more of an annoyance, but it does occur only with GraphicsEnabler.

On a sidenote:  Chameleon 2.0 is amazing, I can't begin to thank the devs enough for their work!