
Author Topic: Chameleon does not list Windows 7 partition  (Read 2698 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
Chameleon does not list Windows 7 partition
« on: October 24, 2009, 06:48:00 AM »
I have installed Snow Leopard and Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on single 250 GB HDD which is GPT partitioned and I have kept EFI partition as active. But Chameleon bootloader does not list my Windows 7 partition, it only shows Snow Leopard partition, so I am unable to use dual boot. I also tried to use the chain0 method but no success. Can anyone please help. :(


  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
Re: Chameleon does not list Windows 7 partition
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2009, 09:15:17 PM »
Here is how i did it, and it was EXTREMELY easy. Please note i dont have chameleon on my HD installed yet...im using a boot132/chameleon Cd to boot for now. I installed snow leop first, guid, and during install launched disk utility and made another partition as FAT32. (You can even resize and make another part. after os x install). Then i installed windows 7, which listed the drive and asked me to format it to NTFS, which i obliged. Thats it.