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Theme Park / [Theme]  Glowing Apple 
« Last post by rmf_z on August 27, 2015, 07:17:15 PM »
Hello everyone,

Just another clean Apple theme :)
Feel free to comment or just say something if you like it, it’s always nice to know your opinion :)

As always it’s a 1920x1080 resolution theme for Chameleon bootloader.
There's also a folder with LOTS of alternative icons if you have other OS/Drives, just check it.

You may wish to edit the "org.chameleon.Boot.plist" to turn off the "Boot Banner" and the "Legacy Logo" :)

The thumb and preview images were taken with a phone camera, so they are not quite accurate...sorry  :( result is better, just download and try ;)

As always I like to thank Blackosx, CosmosCj, Enzo, rzooff, kexlam, xenatt, DMAUTOS and many others for inspiration :)

PS- Please, forgive my english mistakes, as English is not my native language   :)
Theme Park / Re: [Theme] Original with yosemite style
« Last post by TripleA on August 26, 2015, 09:21:34 PM »
Link broke bro :(
fixed. its now in attachment.
Theme Park / Re: [Theme] Original with yosemite style
« Last post by xTheMasters on August 26, 2015, 07:57:16 PM »
Link broke bro :(
Theme Park / [Theme]  Just B&W / Just W&B 
« Last post by rmf_z on August 21, 2015, 02:40:47 PM »
Hello everyone,

These are just very simple themes in Black & White, and in the opposite White and Black.
I hope you like them, and feel free to comment or say something :)

Both themes are for 1920x1080 resolutions, and i'm using latest version of Chameleon bootloader.
There's also a folder with A LOT of alternative icons if you have other OS/Drives, just check it.

VERY IMPORTANT - If you choose to use the alternative icons, be sure to copy both files to the main folder (Just B&W/Just W&B), ex. "device_hfsplus_mav" and "device_hfsplus_mav_o" if you use "Mavericks"
               And keep the "device_selection" file, it is needed this time for both themes (my previous theme didn't use "device_selection") :)

You may wish to edit the "org.chameleon.Boot.plist" to turn off the "Boot Banner" and the "Legacy Logo" :)

The thumb and preview images were taken with a phone camera, so they are not quite accurate...sorry  :-[ result is better, just download and try ;)

As always I like to thank Blackosx, CosmosCj, Enzo, rzooff, kexlam, xenatt, DMAUTOS and many others for inspiration :)

PS- Please, forgive my english mistakes, as English is not my native language   :)
Theme Park / Another retro theme
« Last post by jaygrid on August 13, 2015, 09:15:17 PM »
Hello, this is my first theme, there is only two icons Yosemite and Windows because I only use this two systems.
Inspiration is on retro computers, it will be easy to change OS images on the screens and maybe i can add others vintage computers.
It is sized for a 1920x1200 and images are quite big, i don't know if even have space for a third icon

Pictures are taken with phone, is there a theme viewer to take better images?

Open to ideas

Hope you like!
Theme Park / [Theme]  Katana 
« Last post by rmf_z on August 03, 2015, 12:40:39 AM »
Hello everyone,

Well, another theme out of the oven, this time it's something about japanese culture and one of most famous swords of all, the Katana.
This time i moved things around the display, and also used some sort of a matching font.
It's just another theme, but i hope you like it, and feel free to comment or say something :)

This theme is for 1920x1080 resolutions, and i'm using latest version of Chameleon bootloader.
There's also a folder with SOME alternative icons if you have other OS/Drives, the font that i used (DomoAregato) is also included, just browse it.

- If you choose to use the alternative icons, be sure to copy both files to the main folder (Katana), ex. "device_hfsplus_mav" and "device_hfsplus_mav_o" if you use "Mavericks".
Both files are needed as i didn't use a "device_selection" image, instead i used the "_o" files to act as the device selector.

You may wish to edit the "org.chameleon.Boot.plist" to turn off the "Boot Banner" and the "Legacy Logo", specially the legacy logo :)

The thumb and preview images were taken with a phone cam, so they are horrible...sorry  :-[ result is better, just download and try ;)

As always I like to thank Blackosx, CosmosCj, Enzo, rzooff, kexlam, xenatt, DMAUTOS and many others for inspiration :)

PS- Please, forgive my english mistakes, as English is not my native language   :)
General Discussion / Re: Fullscreen Resolution Problem with Chameleon
« Last post by FliccC on July 30, 2015, 04:46:50 PM »
After reading through a lot of different sites/posts with similar problems, I am under the impression that some monitors just don't accept any VESA modes higher than 0x11F = 1600×1200 24bit.

So there actually might not be a solution. I could be wrong though.

Anyone else has any suggestions ?  :o
Theme Park / [Theme]  Cartoonized 
« Last post by rmf_z on July 29, 2015, 07:35:25 PM »
Hello everyone,

A few weeks ago i was cartoonizing some photos and i thought "why not make a chameleon theme using this technique?"
I grab the icons from my previous ROG themes and cartoonized them all, also made a bunch of new icons, chose the best ones and make the Cartoonized Theme. The background is a simple brown paper bag  :)
This is the end result of my initial thought, it's a simple theme, but i hope you like it :)

I like to thank Blackosx, CosmosCj, Enzo, rzooff, kexlam, xenatt, DMAUTOS and many others for inspiration :)
This theme is 1920x1080 resolution, and i'm using latest version of Chameleon bootloader.
There's also a folder with PLENTY alternative icons if you have other OS/Drives, the font that i used in menu icons which doesn't come with win7 (Helvetica Neue Regular) is also included, just browse it.
You may wish to edit the "org.chameleon.Boot.plist" to turn off the "Boot Banner" and the "Legacy Logo" :)

The thumb and preview images were taken with a phone cam, so they are horrible...sorry  :-[ result is better ;)

PS- Please, forgive my english mistakes, as English is not my native language   :)
General Discussion / Re: Fullscreen Resolution Problem with Chameleon
« Last post by FliccC on July 20, 2015, 10:09:02 PM »
I also have a 23" Dell monitor. Maybe this is causing it?
General Discussion / Re: Fullscreen Resolution Problem with Chameleon
« Last post by Gringo Vermelho on July 19, 2015, 02:24:37 AM »
I'm getting the exact same thing.

1920x1080 23" Dell monitor connected via DisplayPort to a GTX 660.

Graphics Mode and theme resolution flags are set properly.

1920x1080 appears in the list as well.
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