
Chameleon => General Discussion => Topic started by: crankshaft on May 24, 2009, 12:07:28 PM

Title: Vista / Leo Dual Boot - Blinking Cursor
Post by: crankshaft on May 24, 2009, 12:07:28 PM
Hi All;

Need some help, I have googled this and trawled through various forums but can't find a solution.

I have installed and are using Chameleon 2 on 2 single boot machines with no problem, so I decided to convert my thinkpad X60 which has been running EFI V8 for about 2 years to Chameleon.

I have upgraded the existing 5400RMP drive to a OCZ Vertex SSD drive and used Carbon Copy Cloner and Winclone to image the original drives, the new disk is formatted in the same style as the old disk

I was hoping that I could simply copy the images onto the new disk and install Chameleon over EFI an it would work, but of course did not, I have tried re-formatting the 2 partition drive many, many times and installed (imaged) Leo, Vista and Chameleon onto the drive in different orders but none will work and all have the same result.

If however I install Chameleon onto a USB thumb drive, and boot to that, then I can successfully select and boot either Vista or Leo on the main drive, but any attempt at installing Chameleon onto the same drive as Leo & Vista simply results in a blinking cursor in the top left hand corner and Chameleon never loads.

I have also tried installing to the EFI partition but that fails the same way.

Please don't suggest re-installing everything from scratch, that is just not practical, as I simply cannot afford to re-install Vista from scratch, it has got some stuff on it that will take me ages to setup and I refuse to accept that I have to re-install from scratch every time, and besides both Vista and Leo boot successfully from the USB thumb so the problem appears to be with Chameleon and not with Vista / Leo.

I am completely out of ideas and would really appreciate some help/!

Many Thanks


Title: Re: Vista / Leo Dual Boot - Blinking Cursor
Post by: rocksteady on May 25, 2009, 10:50:07 PM

Did you try Detosx's solution as referenced here: [SOLVED] Unable to boot Vista (http://forum.voodooprojects.org/index.php/topic,44.0.html) ?

Also, to rule out version-based troubleshooting, can you boot successfully with a version other than 2.0RC-r431 ?
Title: Re: Vista / Leo Dual Boot - Blinking Cursor
Post by: thorazine74 on May 27, 2009, 09:31:29 AM
I am completely out of ideas and would really appreciate some help/!

Just a guess, but if you can boot from USB but not from the hard drive, I would say the problem could come from the MBR of the HD, maybe something went wrong with it when your partitioned it or restored it, specially if you are using a GPT partition style.

Moderator Edit: Please, trim when quoting. Otherwise threads get hard to read + super-ugly instantly. insanelymac is the only place I've ever seen that people would even quote the whole dang page to reply with just 2 lines. No wonder it ended up being the cesspit it is right now. Let's keep these forums decent  ;)
Title: Re: Vista / Leo Dual Boot - Blinking Cursor
Post by: BeSweeet on June 14, 2009, 11:16:00 PM
I'm having similar problems. I got a blinking cursor after I installed Chameleon. If I set my Windows partition as the active one, then it will boot Vista's bootloader (that's what I usually used to boot the darwin bootloader for OS X). THEN, if I choose the usual OS X entry, it will load Chameleon.