
Author Topic: Chameleon + 10.7 Lion = No more video card detection with GraphicsEnabler.  (Read 4307 times)

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  • Observer
  • Posts: 10
System: M11x Laptop
GPU: Nvidia 335m

Prior Installs: 10.6.3 to 10.6.8 - Used graphics enabler and had full QE/CI.

Lion: Tested with two separate installs:
1. 10.6.8 to 10.7 - QE/CI detected on first boot however after reboot bootloader errors - can't find Nvidia Card
2. 10.7 fresh - No QE/CI. Tried trunk 1187, 865pkg installer, neither worked.

(I have tried pciroot 0 and 1 in each case, no difference. In 10.6.3 to 6.8 pciroot=0 works perfect).

I'll be glad to send any info your way. Been working on this the past couple days. I have not replaced nvidia kexts from 10.6.7 yet.

I have posted a screenshot of my systems video.... well it actually finds it. Weird.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 02:16:57 AM by haze295 »


  • Observer
  • Posts: 10
Just to clarify,

The M11x has a 335m discrete which can be also set to intel hd 3000. If I switch my graphics to discrete and boot back into my 10.6.7 parition I find the same graphic results as the image above in lion.


  • VoodooLabs
  • Posts: 25
post your bdmesg and also does lion require you to add your devid to the nv kexts?