Author Topic: Option to start Chameleon in the partition selection screen directly.  (Read 5371 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 7
Chameleon starts with a screen that shows the default boot partition and a progress bar. I think it would be nicer if it would start with the partition selection page with the default partition highlighted and move the progress bar to this screen. People will still be able to remove the progress bar using themes to make it more "Boot Camp" like.

If you could add an option to disable the first screen and move the progress bar to the second screen, that would be truly appreciated. That way people could use it either way.

Keep up the good work

Thanks in advance,
« Last Edit: April 14, 2009, 10:01:44 AM by Ahmad »


  • Member
  • Posts: 88
That option is already there.  Add the following to your

Code: [Select]
<key>Instant Menu</key>
Base system: HP Pavilion P6340f Desktop  Intel� Core2Quad�  CPU: Speed: 2.66 GHz   Package: Socket 775 LGA:  L2 Cache 2 x 2048 KB  RAM : 8.0 GB:  DDR3

Disks : 2 eSATA @ 2 TB (hardware raid 1), NAS 4 x 2 TB raid 5 Display : 21" Samsung on EVGA GeForce 9400 GT - PCIe - 1900x1080  Keyboard/mouse :  USB connected  OS Version : 10.6.0 from retail DVD + SW update to 10.6.5 - Kernel:  Vanilla mach_kernel


  • Entrant
  • Posts: 7
tried that but count down doesn't work. The selection screen stays forever.


  • Member
  • Posts: 88
tried that but count down doesn't work. The selection screen stays forever.

sorry,  my bad.  After rereading your request I realize I misunderstood what you were asking. 

Actually, now that I understand it, I think it would be a good option to have.
Base system: HP Pavilion P6340f Desktop  Intel� Core2Quad�  CPU: Speed: 2.66 GHz   Package: Socket 775 LGA:  L2 Cache 2 x 2048 KB  RAM : 8.0 GB:  DDR3

Disks : 2 eSATA @ 2 TB (hardware raid 1), NAS 4 x 2 TB raid 5 Display : 21" Samsung on EVGA GeForce 9400 GT - PCIe - 1900x1080  Keyboard/mouse :  USB connected  OS Version : 10.6.0 from retail DVD + SW update to 10.6.5 - Kernel:  Vanilla mach_kernel


  • Forum Moderator
  • Posts: 129

I would like the progress bar and selection screen to be unified.


  • Entrant
  • Posts: 3
Or Delete the TimeOut Key and value from ;)