Author Topic: Template for bug reporting  (Read 9295 times)

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  • VoodooLabs
  • Posts: 102
Template for bug reporting
« on: March 29, 2010, 08:25:02 PM »
To ease the ability to fix bugs and other issues, I would appreciate that you use this list as a guideline.
  • the exact problem you are having, and the steps to recreate it
  • the expected output or action, and the actual output or action
  • which version and from where did you obtain the version you use
  • a short but complete description of your system including system versions
  • any output you are seeing in logs. I have usually provided a debug version that will output more information
  • if there is a different behavior while using the debug version
  • if you have a kernel panic, please post the kernel panic output.
  • what you are expecting from the tool/kext

If you have the 5 language panic screen use verbose mode (-v)

Some tools, commands and ideas for finding answers:

Code: [Select]
ioreg -lw0
sudo dmesg
sysctl -A

  • Console
  • System Profiler
  • /var/log/kernel.log
  • /var/log/system.log

Also when attaching files, remember that this is a public forum, so take some care and leave out some personally sensitive information in the files if there is any.

Failure to comply with this template will most likely lead to no fix
« Last Edit: March 29, 2010, 11:16:02 PM by Superhai »