Author Topic: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo  (Read 28241 times)

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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #15 on: May 17, 2010, 04:23:28 PM »
Nice one!

well what happens is The Apple Alu Keyboard is shipped with a 0.34 Firware (well my one was), Now apple update has updated it to 1.1 ( I think) Just not sure how to get it back to the 0.34 firmware...

I flashed my BIOS with the newest Intel D975XBX2 Badaxe 2 firmware (that included some USB fixes) but the keyboard remained the same. (not working at boot). I have now downgraded my BIOS back a few firmware’s and got the Keyboard to work but only when plugged into a USB post right next to another USB keyboard... (Weird I know) Plus its got like a 2 mins lag (when switching between OSX and Windows in Chameleon boot loader.

Any help to what your setting are would be great and what you done to get it going. As I say, it is working but only just....

Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Vanilla, Dual boot with Windows 7 32bit, Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 Mobo
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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #16 on: May 17, 2010, 07:04:45 PM »
It would definitely be something related to the BIOS or USB component of the system. Nothing to do with Kexts or drivers within OSX, as these aren't even loaded untily after the Chameleon boot loader. Anyway, the only reason I wanted to get it working has been taken care of with Chameleon's "boot.plist" options - default partition to boot from. Now I can just set which partition I want to boot to, before restarting the system - not the best way to do things, but good enough for my needs :)


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #17 on: May 17, 2010, 08:40:01 PM »
I still cant put my finger on the problem..... very weird indeed, there is defo power to the keyboard as soon as the machine is turned on. I tested this with a USB device with a LED on it, the LED lights up as soon as I push the power button.

So something going on! hahaha

anymore ideas?
Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Vanilla, Dual boot with Windows 7 32bit, Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 Mobo
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6660 Kentsfield 2.4GHz CPU
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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #18 on: May 17, 2010, 08:45:18 PM »
I just tried an old Apple keyboard from my Blueberry iMac (tray loading), and it worked perfectly using the same USB slot. Maybe i should try to hook up the internal keyboard from my Apple II+ and see how that works  :P


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #19 on: May 18, 2010, 12:05:19 AM »
Just tried this keyboard on my laptop (Sony Vaio VGN-N38z) I used the Iboot cd (same as 123 boot) and the Keyboard worked, even in the BIOS! so iys 100% a problem with the bad axe 2 USB ports......

I wonder if a PCI USB Card would sort that out? A nice Belkin one (that used the NEC chipset) so its 110% compatable with Snow Leo.

Need to order one though! ;D
Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Vanilla, Dual boot with Windows 7 32bit, Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 Mobo
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6660 Kentsfield 2.4GHz CPU
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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2010, 12:15:14 AM »
Please update this thread if you get it working using a PCI USB card, I didn't even think of that :)

By the way, my motherboard is an Intel D945GCZ.


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2010, 04:17:57 PM »
Belkin Hi-Speed USB 2.0 5-Port PCI Card F5U220 on its way!

I thought that by NOT using the built in USB ports on the Bad Axe 2 it might work... There seems to be some problem with the USB Bus power on this mobo for some reason....

Hopefully a PCI Card will do the trick since it will bypass the Mobo USB..

The pci card uses the N.E.C chipset, that is 110% compatible with osx

I will report back. ;D
Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Vanilla, Dual boot with Windows 7 32bit, Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 Mobo
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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2010, 07:38:20 PM »
the USB PCI card didn't work, it seems like there is power going to the pci card at boot, when keyboard just wont play ball...
what more ideas?
Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Vanilla, Dual boot with Windows 7 32bit, Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 Mobo
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6660 Kentsfield 2.4GHz CPU
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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2010, 11:49:12 PM »
I can only access my hack remotely atm, so can't really see what's cooking during POST, neither my actual BIOS settings but:

looks like I have a bit more options in the BIOS than the ones you mention:

I got it working but only when a non Apple Keyboard is plugged into the same port (Via a USB Hub) or right next to it on the motherboard, But If i plug anything else into any of the USB ports the apple keyboard dont work.

That rings a bell too but I only use USB for the keyboard itself, a wireless mouse and an iMic (sometimes), all on different USB ports on the motherboard.

If you boot into Windows, and open the device manager, then open the properties for each of your USB ports, it will display the current power being used..

ASP info from the hack and MBP with the same keyboard:

Stop bitching, start coding or documenting or both..

P5Q-EM : Q6600 : 8GB RAM : 8800GT : SATA Drives


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #24 on: May 21, 2010, 11:47:17 AM »
Thanks for this info rocksteady.

The Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 does not have all this BIOS USB options. I have... Very limited...

1. Enable/Disable USB ports
2. Enable/Disable USB Legacy

rocksteady ….did you mention that you had the Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2?.

I have found the following information....

1. The keyboard will never work on a cold boot, sometimes after a warm boot it works 100% and sometimes not at all, and sometimes is works with a huge 2 min delay.... but it has to have the Microsoft keyboard plugged for it to work.

2. A Microsoft keyboard work 100% all of the time.

3. The keyboards must be the only USB devices in the motherboard USB ports for it to work.

4. A PCI USB card didn’t work for the keyboard either.

If I am using I’m using Chameleon 2.0-RC4 would playing about with the boot options help me?. I have been hunting about on the net for some clues. And stumbled over these..


(Not sure what PCI Root does)




Failing that could it be something to do with my dsdt.aml ? this be altered to make the USB ports work all the time? I have seen people editing this dsdt.aml file to get things to work before...

Any further suggestion or ideas?
Snow Leopard 10.6.3 Vanilla, Dual boot with Windows 7 32bit, Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2 Mobo
Intel Core 2 Quad Q6660 Kentsfield 2.4GHz CPU
EMU 0404 PCI Sound Card
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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #25 on: May 21, 2010, 09:46:15 PM »
Hey Logic,

rocksteady ….did you mention that you had the Intel D975XBX2 Bad Axe 2?.

No, never had an intel board, just the one in my sig

Try the following for some basic cold boot troubleshooting

  • Shut down
  • Power on
  • As soon as the POST shows "Initializing USB Devices" or something similar, it will probably list the recognized USB devices (ie mouse, printer, whatever you have), the Apple Keyboard may only show up as 1 Hub.
  • Before the POST continues, hit the reset switch and observe the USB devices that get recognized this time. Is the Keyboard present? If it shows up you're gonna be fine after the POST too (ie Chameleon, OS, etc)

Repeat the above with a minimal set of usb devices, say the keyboard itself and the mouse (on a different usb port on the motherboard not on the keyboard hub)

If I am using I’m using Chameleon 2.0-RC4 would playing about with the boot options help me?. I have been hunting about on the net for some clues. And stumbled over these..

Chameleon can do some slick things and we're busy in the kitchen trying to fix bugs and enhance functionality but it can't add the missing mA that your motherboard greedily eats up from your USB bus  :P

Joking aside, you can use the Default Partition option to have your preferred OS load even when your keyboard acts up. Partial software-based workaround for a hardware-based problem.

Failing that could it be something to do with my dsdt.aml ? this be altered to make the USB ports work all the time? I have seen people editing this dsdt.aml file to get things to work before...

Are you using a vanilla one so far?

A patched DSDT helps to get things recognized/work properly only after the bootloader takes over in order to set the field for the OS. It can sure help to tidy things up considering the usual mess they come with from the mobo manufacturer but again it won't add any mA to your system during POST.

Stop bitching, start coding or documenting or both..

P5Q-EM : Q6600 : 8GB RAM : 8800GT : SATA Drives


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #26 on: May 22, 2010, 10:20:34 AM »
Well I just managed to somehow fry my Aluminum keyboard. Doing all of this plugging in on different ports has taken its toll :D Keyboard is now non-responsive and doesn't even work on my MacBook Pro :( Good thing it is still under warranty...


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #27 on: May 22, 2010, 05:08:56 PM »
Yikes! Sorry to hear that Drule

but then again USB sucks donkey balls, I wonder why people use it so much

btw, is USB terminated properly on your mobo + case? I've seen some really ugly work form time to time...
« Last Edit: May 22, 2010, 05:12:04 PM by rocksteady »
Stop bitching, start coding or documenting or both..

P5Q-EM : Q6600 : 8GB RAM : 8800GT : SATA Drives


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #28 on: May 22, 2010, 07:29:32 PM »
I also have the BlueTooth version of that keyboard, but I'm having enough problems trying to get my BT Mighty Mouse operational in my current OSx86 SL 10.6.2 installation, so its USB or bust for now :) Don't laugh, but I'm typing this with a Blueberry iMac keyboard attached to my OSx86 system, staring at my MacBook Pro with MagicMouse and BT Aluminum Keyboard just sitting a few feet away, collecting dust until I sort this mess out :D Ok, laugh.


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Re: Apple Aluminium Keyboard at boot on Intel Badaxe 2 Mobo
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2010, 08:21:50 PM »
 :lol no:  priceless

10 points for the funniest situation man

The old colored iMac Keyboards play nice from the first go (at least here) usb1 though, but I do miss its power button

What's wrong with the BT Mouse? BIOS/POST or OS X hiccups?, all you need is a compatible BT dongle (for the OS X part)
« Last Edit: May 25, 2010, 09:58:33 AM by rocksteady »
Stop bitching, start coding or documenting or both..

P5Q-EM : Q6600 : 8GB RAM : 8800GT : SATA Drives