Author Topic: Mac Sleep mode malfunctioning after disastrous install  (Read 7250 times)

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Mac Sleep mode malfunctioning after disastrous install
« on: September 11, 2010, 05:01:45 PM »
Hi, I installed "VoodooPS2Controller-0.98" (from this address: on a Mac Mini  running Snow Leopard (10.6.3).  (I understand now that this was not the correct program to install--there are versions meant for Snow Leopard).

Anyhow, the PS2 keyboard never worked, and when I rebooted, my USB (IBM) keyboard also stopped working, as did the mouse buttons.  You can imagine how this quickly turned my computer into a paperweight.  Eventually, I was able to use my roommate's Mac keyboard to start in safe mode:  same problem, except after waiting about 10 minutes, the keyboard started working, which allowed me a chance to try to fix the problem.

I found and deleted the Voodoops2controller.kext, after which my computer basically functions normally.  Except that when I put it in sleep mode, and then press the mouse button or any key, it turns off.  (I'm wondering if this is because there are other kexts running

Here's what I'm wondering:

1)  Is there some kind of remove or uninstall program that will fix this (and any other hidden issues)?

2)  What kexts does the VoodooPs2Controller install program add to your system?

3)  What other changes does the install program make that I could delete or change back manually?

Thanks in advance for any and all help.  I'm new at this, and feel like I'm in waaaay over my head.


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Re: Mac Sleep mode malfunctioning after disastrous install
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2010, 05:53:40 PM »
Erm... What were you plugging your PS2 devices into?
These projects are for running OS X on standard PC hardware.