Author Topic: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found  (Read 40754 times)

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Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« on: April 26, 2009, 12:34:21 PM »
after removing all the ApplePS2 stuff and installing VoodooPS2 I've managed to have a working keyboard. Unfortunately, the trackpad don't work at all. When I go into PrefPane/Voodoo I receive the error:  ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
after "ok" I can go into the settings. But if  I change something in there, PrefPane crashes!

Any idea what went wrong?

My machine is an Asus eeePC 1000H

Thanks for your help


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2009, 08:48:22 PM »
Same situation here. When trying to access the voodoops2 settings from the prefpane gives the "error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found" then after clicking "ok" the settings open, but when trying to change any options it crashes.


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2009, 10:44:42 PM »
I had the same problem, but I was using the kext in EFI.  On a hunch, I went and copied the kext back into /System/Library/Extensions on my OSX Drive (NOT-EFI), and it started working!  This plugin ROCKS.


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2009, 10:33:27 PM »
I'm having this same issue, I have an ALPS touchpad, but in the release didn't it say that ALPS was supported?  None of my scrolling works, not the sidebars or multifinger, honestly at this point I'd even be happy with just the sidebars lol.

I'm on a Dell Inspiron 6000


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2009, 11:11:16 PM »
Same situation here.
Touchpad IS working but none of the features (multifinger, sidebars). PrefPane crashes if I try to change a setting.

Im on a dell latitude d820


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2009, 09:55:35 PM »
I'm having the same problem on a lenovo G530.  The keyboard works fine and the trackpad seems to work for a couple seconds after boot but it quickly stops responding at all.

When I click on the VoodooPS2 prefpane I get "appleps2synapticstouchpad not found" and when I change any of the settings system prefrences will crash.

Any ideas?


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2009, 11:22:34 AM »
Same problem but no keyboard and no touchpad is working.
Very desperate !!!  :'(

My laptop:
Acer Travelmate 6592 with
Synaptics Touchpad

please help me ::)


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #7 on: October 04, 2009, 05:59:59 PM »
I am also experiencing this issue.
Keyboard works, touchpad does not.

HP 2510p, iDeneb 10.5.6 updated with iDeneb combo update 10.5.7 & 8 (non-EFI)
Synaptics v6.3 PS/2 touchpad on port 3

Used the method below to ensure AppleACPIPS2Nub no longer runs. Also, there is no EFI partition on the laptop.

We may have a final solution! The problem came from a modified AppleACPIPlatform.kext that came with iPC and maybe some other "distros" with an ACPIfix; the main problem was it still loaded an instance of AppleACPIPS2Nub class even without the AppleACPIPS2Nub.kext. I got my hand on kexts from a Boot 132 boot cd and it work well with it.

Here is the kexts : ACPI_Fix.zip
It contains AppleACPIPlatform.kext v1.2.4, Vanilla AppleAPIC.kext 1.4 and IOACPIFamily.kext 1.2.0

I hope we finally got it! And thanx to gustavolessa who noticed this.

Any suggestions on what else i can try will be appreciated.



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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2009, 05:39:29 AM »
I was having the same issues with my touchpad which is also ALPS (dell d610). Here is how i fixed it. I simply tweaked the kext named VoodooPS2Controller.kext a bit and forced all the scrolling flags to true. Also I changed the default mouse pointer speed values so the pointer is much smoother and doesn't jump anymore.

Download the modified VoodooPS2Controller.kext from here:


Now all you have to do is extract this newly downloaded kext to your desktop and then copy - paste it to /System/Library/Extensions/ and overwrite the default VoodooPS2Controller.kext that is already residing there.

You may get a message that this kext was not installed properly and bla bla after you replace, just ignore them and hit OK everytime! Now let's do the final step.

Open terminal and type the following:

sudo -s

[your password]


cd /System/Library/Extensions/

chown -R root:wheel VoodooPS2Controller.kext

chmod -R 755 VoodooPS2Controller.kext

cd /System/Library/

rm -rf Extensions.*

diskutil repairpermissions / {this step may take some time till it reaches 100% so be patient}


Now you have fully working scrolling as well as a much stable touchpad. However you still won't be able to open the customizing panel from preferences. But who needs it now anyway?  :)

Hope this helps.


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2010, 10:00:34 AM »
Is anyone else still having this problem? I still have the problem and I am unable to configure my alps touchpad, even after replacing my ACPI kexts as suggested by a previous post.

The post above mine that had forced scrolling support and slowed down the pointer speed DID work for me, but it's a little too slow. Is there any way to manually change the speed of the touchpad without having to use the prefpane (which still doesn't work for me)?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #10 on: February 09, 2010, 01:04:47 AM »
I was having the same issues with my touchpad which is also ALPS (dell d610). Here is how i fixed it. I simply tweaked the kext named VoodooPS2Controller.kext a bit and forced all the scrolling flags to true. Also I changed the default mouse pointer speed values so the pointer is much smoother and doesn't jump anymore.

Download the modified VoodooPS2Controller.kext from here:


Now all you have to do is extract this newly downloaded kext to your desktop and then copy - paste it to /System/Library/Extensions/ and overwrite the default VoodooPS2Controller.kext that is already residing there.

You may get a message that this kext was not installed properly and bla bla after you replace, just ignore them and hit OK everytime! Now let's do the final step.

Open terminal and type the following:

sudo -s

[your password]


cd /System/Library/Extensions/

chown -R root:wheel VoodooPS2Controller.kext

chmod -R 755 VoodooPS2Controller.kext

cd /System/Library/

rm -rf Extensions.*

diskutil repairpermissions / {this step may take some time till it reaches 100% so be patient}


Now you have fully working scrolling as well as a much stable touchpad. However you still won't be able to open the customizing panel from preferences. But who needs it now anyway?  :)

Hope this helps.

Don't work for me this mod, the keyboard crazy ...


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #11 on: February 12, 2010, 03:24:54 PM »
A way from voodoo team for fix this problem now? :Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found

Thanks   ;)


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #12 on: March 28, 2010, 11:19:06 AM »
Same problem for me. ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found. I have ALPS touchpad.


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2010, 08:11:09 AM »
same problem here....on my dell inspiron 1440 with alps trackpad


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Re: Error ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad not found
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2010, 05:30:36 AM »
I got this to work... I had the same error... Put the trip2me's voodookext found on this forum in extra/extensions folder, run pfix found on insanelymac and then drag your extra/extensions folder over kext utility... drag the extensions and extensions.mkext back to extra and reboot... see if ur touchpad works, if not open the voodoo kext and delete trackpad.kext and reboot and see if that works..