Author Topic: Official Chameleon Docs  (Read 223666 times)

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Official Chameleon Docs
« on: May 17, 2009, 05:49:41 AM »
Dev. Team's clarification about Chameleon's documentation & its current state:

Docs are forthcoming for the final release. Please keep in mind, what your using what you've downloaded isn't complete. It has bugs, we know this. It has missing docs, we know this... it has been released so that people can get their hands on it and test it out... If you're having issues with an install ask around on the forum or the irc channels for ideas or a workaround, if not maybe you might want to wait until the final release which will include docs =)
« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 11:47:57 PM by rocksteady »
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Re: Official Chameleon Docs
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2009, 02:38:10 AM »
I'm posting here the 2 official docs that come with Chameleon 2RC1-r431 binary files. Seems that most people used the installer package and never heard of those 2 files.

                        Chameleon Boot Loader

  What is it?

  Chameleon is combination of various boot loader components. It is based
  on David Elliott's fake EFI implementation added to Apple's boot-132
  project. Chameleon is extended with the following key features:

   - Device Property Injection via device-properties string in
   - hybrid boot0+boot1h loaders for both MBR and GPT partitioned disks.
   - automatic FSB detection code even for recent AMD CPUs.
   - Apple Software RAID support.
   - stage2 loader (boot) can be placed as a regular file in the boot
     partition's root folder. It has precedence over the embedded

  Normal Install (non-RAID):
  Suppose that your installation is on /dev/disk0s2
   - Install boot0 to the MBR:
         sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
   - Install boot1h to the partition's bootsector:
        sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2
   - Install boot to the partition's root directory:
        sudo cp boot /
  No need to use startupfiletool anymore!
  RAID Install:
  Suppose that your installation is on /dev/disk3, which is either a mirror- or a
  stripeset consisting of /dev/disk0 and /dev/disk1

  Mac OS X creates a small helper partition at the end of each RAID member disk,
  namely /dev/disk0s3 and /dev/disk1s3
   - Install boot0 to the MBR of both disks:
        sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0
        sudo fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk1
   - Install boot1h to the bootsector of each boot partition:
        sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s3
        sudo dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk1s3
   - Install boot to both helper partition's root directories.
        diskutil mount disk0s3
        cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
        diskutil unmount disk0s3
        diskutil mount disk1s3
        cp boot /Volumes/Boot\ OSX
        diskutil unmount disk1s3
   - Add "rd=uuid boot-uuid=506D8F03-0596-32D8-BE0B-E3A4E7D5C72A" to your kernel flags
     (replace with your root volume's UUID; find out using "Disk", right
    click on your root volume, then Get Info"):
        nano /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
        touch /System/Library/Extensions

  If you have any questions, issues etc. feel free to join us at #chameleon

  Source Code

  For downloading the source code please visit the project page at


  Chameleon is released under the terms and conditions of Apple Public
  Source License (see attached APPLE_LICENSE) with the following restrictions:
  You may use this software for personal, educational and evaluation purposes
  only. To use this software for commercial purposes please contact us at:

02. BootHelp.txt:

The boot: prompt waits for you to type advanced startup options.
If you don't type anything, the computer continues starting up normally. It
uses the kernel and configuration files on the startup device, which it also
uses as the root device.

Advanced startup options use the following syntax:

    [device]<kernel> [arguments]

Example arguments include

 device: rd=<BSD device name>       (e.g. rd=disk0s2)
         rd=*<IODeviceTree path>    (e.g. rd=*/PCI0@0/CHN0@0/@0:1)

 kernel: kernel name                (e.g. "mach_kernel" - must be in "/" )

 flags: -v (verbose)    -s (single user mode),
        -x (safe mode)  -F (ignore boot configuration file)

 "Graphics Mode"="WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH" (e.g. "1024x768x32")
    For VESA 3.0 graphics, you may append a refresh rate
    after an "@" character (e.g. "1280x1024x32@75")

 kernel flags                       (e.g. debug=0x144)
 io=0xffffffff                      (defined in IOKit/IOKitDebug.h)

Example: mach_kernel rd=disk0s1 -v "Graphics Mode"="4096x4096x32@85"

If the computer won't start up properly, you may be able to start it up using
safe mode.  Type -x to start up in safe mode, which ignores all cached
driver files.

Special booter commands:
  ?memory    Displays information about the computer's memory.
  ?video     Displays VESA video modes supported by the computer's BIOS.
  ?norescan  Leaves CD-ROM rescan mode.

Additional useful command-line options:
  config=<file>             Use an alternate Boot.plist file.

Options useful in the file:
  "Boot Graphics"=Yes|No    Use graphics mode or text mode when starting.
  "Quiet Boot"=Yes|No       Use quiet boot mode (no messages or prompt).
  Timeout=8                 Number of seconds to pause at the boot: prompt.
  "Instant Menu"=Yes        Force displaying the partition selection menu.

  "Default Partition"       Sets the default boot partition,
    =hd(x,y)                  where 'x' is the disk number, 'y' the partition number.

  GUI=No                    Disable the GUI (enabled by default).

  USBBusFix=Yes             Enable the EHCI and UHCI fixes (disabled by default).
  EHCIacquire=Yes           Enable the EHCI fix (disabled by default).
  UHCIreset=Yes             Enable the UHCI fix (disabled by default).

  Wake=No                   Disable wake up after hibernation (enbaled by default).
  ForceWake=Yes             Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).
  WakeImage=<file>          Use an alternate sleepimage file
                              (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

  DropSSDT=Yes              Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the ACPI tables.
  DSDT=<file>               Use an alternate DSDT.aml file
                              (default paths are /DSDT.aml or /Extra/DSDT.aml).

  SMBIOSdefaults=No         Don't use the Default values for SMBIOS overriding
                              if /Extra/smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory
                              values are kept.

  Rescan=Yes                Enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  "Rescan Prompt"=Yes       Prompts for enable CD-ROM rescan mode.

« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 11:48:28 PM by rocksteady »
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Re: Official Chameleon Docs
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2009, 11:52:32 PM »
Updated BootHelp.txt included with Chameleon 2.0-RC2-r640:

The boot: prompt waits for you to type advanced startup options.
If you don't type anything, the computer continues starting up normally. It
uses the kernel and configuration files on the startup device, which it also
uses as the root device.

Advanced startup options use the following syntax:

    [device]<kernel> [arguments]

Example arguments include

 device: rd=<BSD device name>       (e.g. rd=disk0s2)
         rd=*<IODeviceTree path>    (e.g. rd=*/PCI0@0/CHN0@0/@0:1)

 kernel: kernel name                (e.g. "mach_kernel" - must be in "/" )

 flags: -v (verbose)    -s (single user mode),
        -x (safe mode)  -F (ignore boot configuration file)

 "Graphics Mode"="WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH" (e.g. "1024x768x32")

 kernel flags                       (e.g. debug=0x144)
 io=0xffffffff                      (defined in IOKit/IOKitDebug.h)

Example: mach_kernel rd=disk0s1 -v "Graphics Mode"="1920x1200x32"

If the computer won't start up properly, you may be able to start it up using
safe mode.  Type -x to start up in safe mode, which ignores all cached
driver files.

Special booter hotkeys:
  F5            Rescans optical drive.
  F10           Scans and displays all BIOS accessible drives.
Special booter commands:
  ?memory       Displays information about the computer's memory.
  ?video        Displays VESA video modes supported by the computer's BIOS.
  ?norescan     Leaves optical drive rescan mode.

Additional useful command-line options:
  config=<file>             Use an alternate Boot.plist file.

Options useful in the file:
  Wait=Yes|No               Prompt for a key press before starting the kernel.
  "Quiet Boot"=Yes|No       Use quiet boot mode (no messages or prompt).
  Timeout=8                 Number of seconds to pause at the boot: prompt.
  "Instant Menu"=Yes        Force displaying the partition selection menu.

  "Default Partition"       Sets the default boot partition,
    =hd(x,y)                  where 'x' is the disk number, 'y' the partition number.

  GUI=No                    Disable the GUI (enabled by default).
  "Boot Banner"=Yes|No      Show boot banner in GUI mode (enabled by default).
  "Legacy Logo"=Yes|No      Use the legacy grey apple logo (disabled by default).
  GraphicsEnabler=Yes|No    Automatic device-properties generation for graphics cards.
  EthernetBuiltIn=Yes|No    Automatic "built-in"=yes device-properties generation
                            for ethernet interfaces.

  USBBusFix=Yes             Enable the EHCI and UHCI fixes (disabled by default).
  EHCIacquire=Yes           Enable the EHCI fix (disabled by default).
  UHCIreset=Yes             Enable the UHCI fix (disabled by default).

  Wake=No                   Disable wake up after hibernation (enbaled by default).
  ForceWake=Yes             Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).
  WakeImage=<file>          Use an alternate sleepimage file
                              (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

  DropSSDT=Yes              Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the ACPI tables.
  DSDT=<file>               Use an alternate DSDT.aml file
                              (default paths are /DSDT.aml or /Extra/DSDT.aml).

  SMBIOSdefaults=No         Don't use the Default values for SMBIOS overriding
                              if /Extra/smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory
                              values are kept.

  "Scan Single Drive"       Scan the drive only where the booter got loaded from.
    =Yes|No                 Fix rescan issues when using a DVD reader in AHCI mode.
  Rescan=Yes                Enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  "Rescan Prompt"=Yes       Prompts for enable CD-ROM rescan mode.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 11:52:46 AM by rocksteady »
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Re: Official Chameleon Docs
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2009, 02:08:40 PM »
Updated BootHelp.txt included with Chameleon 2.0-RC3-r658:

The boot: prompt waits for you to type advanced startup options.
If you don't type anything, the computer continues starting up normally. It
uses the kernel and configuration files on the startup device, which it also
uses as the root device.

Advanced startup options use the following syntax:

    [device]<kernel> [arguments]

Example arguments include

 device: rd=<BSD device name>       (e.g. rd=disk0s2)
         rd=*<IODeviceTree path>    (e.g. rd=*/PCI0@0/CHN0@0/@0:1)

 kernel: kernel name                (e.g. "mach_kernel" - must be in "/" )

 flags: -v (verbose)    -s (single user mode),
        -x (safe mode)  -F (ignore boot configuration file)

 "Graphics Mode"="WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH" (e.g. "1024x768x32")

 kernel flags                       (e.g. debug=0x144)
 io=0xffffffff                      (defined in IOKit/IOKitDebug.h)

Example: mach_kernel rd=disk0s1 -v "Graphics Mode"="1920x1200x32"

If the computer won't start up properly, you may be able to start it up using
safe mode.  Type -x to start up in safe mode, which ignores all cached
driver files.

Special booter hotkeys:
  F5            Rescans optical drive.
  F10           Scans and displays all BIOS accessible drives.
Special booter commands:
  ?memory       Displays information about the computer's memory.
  ?video        Displays VESA video modes supported by the computer's BIOS.
  ?norescan     Leaves optical drive rescan mode.

Additional useful command-line options:
  config=<file>             Use an alternate Boot.plist file.

Options useful in the file:
  Wait=Yes|No               Prompt for a key press before starting the kernel.
  "Quiet Boot"=Yes|No       Use quiet boot mode (no messages or prompt).
  Timeout=8                 Number of seconds to pause at the boot: prompt.
  "Instant Menu"=Yes        Force displaying the partition selection menu.

  "Default Partition"       Sets the default boot partition,
    =hd(x,y)                  where 'x' is the disk number, 'y' the partition number.

  GUI=No                    Disable the GUI (enabled by default).
  "Boot Banner"=Yes|No      Show boot banner in GUI mode (enabled by default).
  "Legacy Logo"=Yes|No      Use the legacy grey apple logo (disabled by default).
  GraphicsEnabler=Yes|No    Automatic device-properties generation for graphics cards.
  VideoROM=<file>           Use an alternate ROM image (default path: /NVIDIA.ROM).
  VBIOS=Yes|No              Inject VBIOS to device-properties.

  EthernetBuiltIn=Yes|No    Automatic "built-in"=yes device-properties generation
                            for ethernet interfaces.

  USBBusFix=Yes             Enable the EHCI and UHCI fixes (disabled by default).
  EHCIacquire=Yes           Enable the EHCI fix (disabled by default).
  UHCIreset=Yes             Enable the UHCI fix (disabled by default).

  Wake=No                   Disable wake up after hibernation (enbaled by default).
  ForceWake=Yes             Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).
  WakeImage=<file>          Use an alternate sleepimage file
                              (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

  DropSSDT=Yes              Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the ACPI tables.
  DSDT=<file>               Use an alternate DSDT.aml file
                              (default path: /DSDT.aml /Extra/DSDT.aml)

  SMBIOS=<file>             Use an alternate smbios.plist file
                              (default path: /smbios.plist /Extra/smbios.plist

  SMBIOSdefaults=No         Don't use the Default values for SMBIOS overriding
                              if smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory
                              values are kept.

  "Scan Single Drive"       Scan the drive only where the booter got loaded from.
    =Yes|No                 Fix rescan issues when using a DVD reader in AHCI mode.
  Rescan=Yes                Enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  "Rescan Prompt"=Yes       Prompts for enable CD-ROM rescan mode.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 11:44:31 AM by rocksteady »
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Re: Official Chameleon Docs
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2009, 11:03:11 AM »
Updated BootHelp.txt included with Chameleon 2.0-RC4-r684:

The boot: prompt waits for you to type advanced startup options.
If you don't type anything, the computer continues starting up normally. It
uses the kernel and configuration files on the startup device, which it also
uses as the root device.

Advanced startup options use the following syntax:

    [device]<kernel> [arguments]

Example arguments include

 device: rd=<BSD device name>       (e.g. rd=disk0s2)
         rd=*<IODeviceTree path>    (e.g. rd=*/PCI0@0/CHN0@0/@0:1)

 kernel: kernel name                (e.g. "mach_kernel" - must be in "/" )

 flags: -v (verbose)    -s (single user mode),
        -x (safe mode)  -F (ignore boot configuration file)

 "Graphics Mode"="WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH" (e.g. "1024x768x32")

 kernel flags                       (e.g. debug=0x144)
 io=0xffffffff                      (defined in IOKit/IOKitDebug.h)

Example: mach_kernel rd=disk0s1 -v "Graphics Mode"="1920x1200x32"

If the computer won't start up properly, you may be able to start it up using
safe mode.  Type -x to start up in safe mode, which ignores all cached
driver files.

Special booter hotkeys:
  F5            Rescans optical drive.
  F10           Scans and displays all BIOS accessible drives.
Special booter commands:
  ?memory       Displays information about the computer's memory.
  ?video        Displays VESA video modes supported by the computer's BIOS.
  ?norescan     Leaves optical drive rescan mode.

Additional useful command-line options:
  config=<file>             Use an alternate Boot.plist file.

Options useful in the file:
  Wait=Yes|No               Prompt for a key press before starting the kernel.
  "Quiet Boot"=Yes|No       Use quiet boot mode (no messages or prompt).
  Timeout=8                 Number of seconds to pause at the boot: prompt.
  "Instant Menu"=Yes        Force displaying the partition selection menu.

  "Default Partition"       Sets the default boot partition,
    =hd(x,y)                  where 'x' is the disk number, 'y' the partition number.
  "Hide Partition"          Remove unwanted partition(s) from the boot menu.
    =hd(x,y) [hd(m,n)]

  GUI=No                    Disable the GUI (enabled by default).
  "Boot Banner"=Yes|No      Show boot banner in GUI mode (enabled by default).
  "Legacy Logo"=Yes|No      Use the legacy grey apple logo (disabled by default).
  PciRoot=<value>           Use an alternate value for PciRoot. (default value: 0).

  GraphicsEnabler=Yes|No    Automatic device-properties generation for graphics cards.
  VideoROM=<file>           Use an alternate ROM image (default path: /NVIDIA.ROM).
  VBIOS=Yes|No              Inject VBIOS to device-properties.

  EthernetBuiltIn=Yes|No    Automatic "built-in"=yes device-properties generation
                            for ethernet interfaces.

  USBBusFix=Yes             Enable the EHCI and UHCI fixes (disabled by default).
  EHCIacquire=Yes           Enable the EHCI fix (disabled by default).
  UHCIreset=Yes             Enable the UHCI fix (disabled by default).

  Wake=No                   Disable wake up after hibernation (enbaled by default).
  ForceWake=Yes             Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).
  WakeImage=<file>          Use an alternate sleepimage file
                              (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

  DropSSDT=Yes              Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the ACPI tables.
  DSDT=<file>               Use an alternate DSDT.aml file
                              (default path: /DSDT.aml /Extra/DSDT.aml)

  SMBIOS=<file>             Use an alternate smbios.plist file
                              (default path: /smbios.plist /Extra/smbios.plist

  SMBIOSdefaults=No         Don't use the Default values for SMBIOS overriding
                              if smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory
                              values are kept.

  "Scan Single Drive"       Scan the drive only where the booter got loaded from.
    =Yes|No                 Fix rescan issues when using a DVD reader in AHCI mode.
  Rescan=Yes                Enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  "Rescan Prompt"=Yes       Prompts for enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 11:39:52 AM by rocksteady »
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Re: Official Chameleon Docs
« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2011, 05:21:56 PM »
Updated BootHelp.txt included with Chameleon 2.1-r1532:

The boot: prompt waits for you to type advanced startup options.
If you don't type anything, the computer continues starting up normally. It
uses the kernel and configuration files on the startup device, which it also
uses as the root device.

Advanced startup options use the following syntax:

    [device]<kernel> [arguments]

Example arguments include

 device: rd=<BSD device name>       (e.g. rd=disk0s2)
         rd=*<IODeviceTree path>    (e.g. rd=*/PCI0@0/CHN0@0/@0:1)

 kernel: kernel name                (e.g. "mach_kernel" - must be in "/" )

 flags: -v (verbose)                -s (single user mode)
        -x (safe mode)              -f (ignore caches)
        -F (ignore "Kernel Flags" specified in boot configuration file)

 "Graphics Mode"="WIDTHxHEIGHTxDEPTH" (e.g. "1024x768x32")

 kernel flags                       (e.g. debug=0x144)
 io=0xffffffff                      (defined in IOKit/IOKitDebug.h)

Example: mach_kernel rd=disk0s1 -v "Graphics Mode"="1920x1200x32"

If the computer won't start up properly, you may be able to start it up
using safe mode.  Type -x to start up in safe mode, which ignores all
cached driver files.

Special booter hotkeys:
  F5            Rescans optical drive.
  F10           Scans and displays all BIOS accessible drives.

Special booter commands:
  ?memory       Displays information about the computer's memory.
  ?video        Displays VESA video modes supported by the computer's BIOS.
  ?norescan     Leaves optical drive rescan mode.

Additional useful command-line options:
  config=<file>             Use an alternate Boot.plist file.

Options useful in the org.chameleon.Boot.plist file:
  Wait=Yes|No             Prompt for a key press before starting the kernel.
  "Quiet Boot"=Yes|No     Use quiet boot mode (no messages or prompt).
  Timeout=8               Number of seconds to pause at the boot: prompt.
  "Instant Menu"=Yes      Force displaying the partition selection menu.

  "Default Partition"     Sets the default boot partition,
    =hd(x,y)|UUID|"Label"    Specified as a disk/partition pair, an UUID, or a
                             label enclosed in quotes.

  "Hide Partition"        Remove unwanted partition(s) from the boot menu.
    =partition               Specified, possibly multiple times, as hd(x,y), an
     [;partition2 ...]       UUID or label enclosed in quotes.

  "Rename Partition"      Rename partition(s) for the boot menu.
    =partition <alias>       Where partition is hd(x,y), UUID or label enclosed
     [;partition2 <alias2>   in quotes. The alias can optionally be quoted too.

  GUI=No                  Disable the GUI (enabled by default).
  "Boot Banner"=Yes|No    Show boot banner in GUI mode (enabled by default).
  ShowInfo=No             Disables display of partition and resolution details.
                            "Boot Banner"=No will also disable this info.
  "Legacy Logo"=Yes|No    Use the legacy grey apple logo (disabled by default).

  PciRoot=<value>         Use an alternate value for PciRoot (default value 0).

  UseKernelCache=Yes|No   Yes will load pre-linked kernel and will ignore /E/E
                      and /S/L/E/Extensions.mkext.
                     Default is No but Yes if you use Lion on a Raid partition.

  KeyLayout=keymap        Use to change the keyboard mapping of the bootloader
                            (e.g. KeyLayout=mac-fr)

  GraphicsEnabler=Yes|No  Automatic device-properties generation for gfx cards.
    AtiConfig=<cardcfg>   Use a different card config, e.g. AtiConfig=Megalodon.
    AtiPorts=<value>      Specify the number of ports, e.g. AtiPorts=2.
    UseAtiROM=Yes|No      Use an alternate Ati ROM image
                            (path: /Extra/<vendorid>_<devid>_<subsysid>.rom)
    UseNvidiaROM=Yes|No   Use an alternate Nvidia ROM image
                            (path:  /Extra/<vendorid>_<devid>.rom)

    VBIOS=Yes|No          Inject NVIDIA VBIOS into device-properties.
    display_0=<value>     Inject alternate value of display-cfg into NVDA,Display-A@0 (HEX).
    display_1=<value>     Inject alternate value of display-cfg into NVDA,Display-B@1 (HEX).

  EthernetBuiltIn=Yes|No  Automatic "built-in"=yes device-properties generation
                          for ethernet interfaces.

  USBBusFix=Yes           Enable all USB fixes below:
  EHCIacquire=Yes         Enable the EHCI fix (disabled by default).
  UHCIreset=Yes           Enable the UHCI fix (disabled by default).
  USBLegacyOff=Yes        Enable the USB Legacy fix (disabled by default).

  ForceHPET=Yes|No        Force Enable HPET.

  Wake=No                 Disable wake up after hibernation (default: enabled).
  ForceWake=Yes           Force using the sleepimage (disabled by default).
  WakeImage=<file>        Use an alternate sleepimage file.
                            (default path is /private/var/vm/sleepimage).

  DropSSDT=Yes            Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the ACPI tables.
  DSDT=<file>             Use an alternate DSDT.aml file
                            (default paths:
                              /DSDT.aml /Extra/DSDT.aml bt(0,0)/Extra/DSDT.aml).

  GenerateCStates=Yes     Enable auto generation of processor idle sleep states
  GeneratePStates=Yes     Enable auto generation of processor power performance
                            states (P-States).
  CSTUsingSystemIO=Yes    New C-State _CST generation method using SystemIO
                            registers instead of FixedHW.

  EnableC2State=Yes       Enable specific Processor power state, C2.
  EnableC3State=Yes       Enable specific Processor power state, C3.
  EnableC4State=Yes       Enable specific Processor power state, C4.

  SMBIOS=<file>           Use an alternate SMBIOS.plist file
                            (default paths:
                              /Extra/SMBIOS.plist bt(0,0)/Extra/SMBIOS.plist).

  SMBIOSdefaults=No       Don't use the Default values for SMBIOS overriding if
                           smbios.plist doesn't exist, factory values are kept.

  "Scan Single Drive"     Scan the drive only where the booter got loaded from.
    =Yes|No               Fix rescan pbs when using a DVD reader in AHCI mode.
  Rescan=Yes              Enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  "Rescan Prompt"=Yes     Prompts for enable CD-ROM rescan mode.
  SystemId=<UUID>         Set manually the system id UUID,
                          SMUUID in smbios config (reserved field) isn't used.
  SystemType=<n>          Set the system type where n is between 0..6
                            (default =1 (Desktop)
  md0=<file>              Load raw img file into memory for use as XNU's md0
                          ramdisk. /Extra/Postboot.img is used otherwise.

« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 10:50:56 AM by Blackosx » Lenovo Y550P OSx86 Log HP Envy 15 1150nr OSx64 log