Author Topic: [Utility] BootCDMaker  (Read 39832 times)

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[Utility] BootCDMaker
« on: September 07, 2009, 09:38:55 PM »
BootCDMaker is simple utility to rapidly create Chameleon BootCD. This application use a mix of bash & osascript (AppleScript).

Using BootCDMaker is really easy and simple:

   1.   Grab your Mkext / smbios.plist / DSDT.aml / mach_kernel and drop them in "BootCD Contents" folder. (be sure to respect standard file syntax)
   2.   If you don't add you to "Extra Contents" it will be generated automatically. 
   3.   BootCDMaker features :
- Automatic NVIDIA graphics injection
- Ethernet built-in injection
- EHCIacquire (USB2) fix
- UHCIreset (USB1.1) fix
- Skip the SSDT tables while relocating the DSDT table
- Use the legacy grey apple logo
- Custom kernel flags edition
- Custom device-properties edition
- Legacy mode : this will create an old fashioned boot cd, known as BOOT-132 CD, but powered by the latest release of chameleon. This should fix BIOS incompatibility with chameleon built in Eltorito loader.
- Mkext creation utility
- ISO Burning utility

   6.   BootCDMaker will automatically backup the previous BootCD.iso build to the "Desktop/BootCDMaker-Out/Previous-BootCD" folder.

What mode should you use :

Default : if you have a recent computer you should try this.
Legacy : if Default is not loading (hang at boot) try this.

Version history :

- "0.7" include the latest build of chameleon's cdboot (r658)

- "0.8" Added support for automatic custom kernel loading. Simply drop your kernel with other files. The kernel file must be named "mach_kernel" in order to be included automaticly in the boot.plist file. If not you will have to edit the plist yourself.

- "1" Added Legacy / Default options, selection of GraphicsEnabler and EthernetBultIn options et original ArtWorks. Also some code cleaning and optimizing.

- "1.1" Added Erase/Burning features, more chameleon options, code refactoring & optimizations, GUI enhancements. BootCDMaker is now fully compatible with 10.5 & 10.6.  :P

- "1.1f" Added choice to Burn or Erase & Burn. Previous version was always erasing and then burning...

- "1.2" The app now supports spaces in path, BootCDMaker should now run from mostly everywhere. Added plist correction in case you remove DSDT, Kernel or smbios.plist from "Extra Contents" but leave the boot.plist. Added device-propeties edition and an options to remove chameleon GUI. Removing chameleon GUI should fix EBIOS errors for everyone, i hope ;)

-  "1.5" Now with COCOA GUI and a lot more options, bootloader updated to PCEFI v10.3.

-  "1.6" EBIOS errors fixed, Disable CHameleon GUI has been removed. ISO should works fine from all type of media now. (Thanks to iNDi)

Enjoy this little piece of software 

Thanks to : zef, sonotone, JrCs

BootCDMaker_1.6 :

Trauma Edit: Corrected link to point to the dedicated software page.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 01:12:47 PM by Trauma »
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2


  • Entrant
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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 01:18:36 AM »
Hey Nice Work,

I don't know why but it hangs on CD Boot ok......... then nothing happens

I also tried on Laptop and i Get Ebios Error



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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 01:28:36 AM »
Hey Nice Work,

I don't know why but it hangs on CD Boot ok......... then nothing happens

I also tried on Laptop and i Get Ebios Error


Do you mean the CD itself hang when loading ?
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2


  • Entrant
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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 01:35:20 AM »
Hey Nice Work,

I don't know why but it hangs on CD Boot ok......... then nothing happens

I also tried on Laptop and i Get Ebios Error


Do you mean the CD itself hang when loading ?

Yeah the cd hangs on cd boot ok....,

 it might have something to do with the fact that i have a Ide CD-Drive

Have you tested it on ide or only sata?


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 01:36:00 AM »
I tried it, but I won't be able to use it.

I need a patched kernel and this tool does not appear to  allow for that.  Also, given the current design, the Extras folder does not operate like a true folder. I can't "cd" into it or use  a terminal session to copy files into it.  That makes placing some invisible files like my kernel or DSDT.aml unreasonably hard.

I think the app has promise, with some design changes.
Base system: HP Pavilion P6340f Desktop  Intel� Core2Quad�  CPU: Speed: 2.66 GHz   Package: Socket 775 LGA:  L2 Cache 2 x 2048 KB  RAM : 8.0 GB:  DDR3

Disks : 2 eSATA @ 2 TB (hardware raid 1), NAS 4 x 2 TB raid 5 Display : 21" Samsung on EVGA GeForce 9400 GT - PCIe - 1900x1080  Keyboard/mouse :  USB connected  OS Version : 10.6.0 from retail DVD + SW update to 10.6.5 - Kernel:  Vanilla mach_kernel


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 02:08:13 AM »
Adding alternate kernel support isn't hard to do. If chameleon can handle it of course...
i guess yes but i'm not sure. Is it possible to specify device path to the kernel inside boot.plist ?

Code: [Select]

Regarding "cd into the Extra Contents folder", this applications is designed for people who don't want and or can't use terminal.

"Extra Contents" is an alias as you've certainly noticed ;) Well thanks to point that out, i've replaced this by a symlink. So you should be able do cd into it just fine now. symlink isn't dynamic so i can't use this solution.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 02:25:51 AM by Trauma »
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2009, 02:36:09 AM »
Chameleon cdboot can support an alternate kernel.  This is the code in my current preboot cd.
Code: [Select]
Which is located at:
Code: [Select]
lrh ~ $ ls -al /Volumes/Preboot/Extra/
total 224
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel     204 Sep  7 10:18 .
drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel     442 Sep  7 09:44 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 root  wheel  104170 Sep  7 09:38 Extensions.mkext
drw-r--r--   8 root  wheel     272 Sep  7 09:38 KextStore
-rwxr-xr-x@  1 root  wheel    2176 Sep  7 10:17
-rw-r--r--@  1 root  wheel    1773 Mar 27 14:59 smbios.plist
and the kernel is located in the Preboot.dmg at the same level as the Preboot/Extra folder.
Code: [Select]
lrh ~ $ ls -al /Volumes/Preboot/
total 14600
drwxr-xr-x  11 root  wheel      442 Sep  7 09:44 .
drwxrwxrwt@ 10 root  admin      340 Sep  7 20:25 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 root  wheel     6148 Sep  7 09:36 .DS_Store
drwxrwxrwt@  3 root  wheel      102 Sep  7 09:35 .Trashes
drwx------   7 root  wheel      238 Sep  7 10:18 .fseventsd
-rw-r--r--@  1 root  wheel    19179 Sep  7 09:44 DSDT.aml
drwxr-xr-x   6 root  wheel      204 Sep  7 10:18 Extra
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel       15 Sep  7 09:44 mach_kernel -> mach_kernel.432
-rw-r--r--@  1 root  wheel  7440004 Sep  7 09:43 mach_kernel.432
The mach_kernel simlink is not required, but it is what I use on my primary system to support running VMware-Fusion and I just copied the same setup to the preboot cd.

I look forward to trying the next release of your app.  Thanks for sharing.
Base system: HP Pavilion P6340f Desktop  Intel� Core2Quad�  CPU: Speed: 2.66 GHz   Package: Socket 775 LGA:  L2 Cache 2 x 2048 KB  RAM : 8.0 GB:  DDR3

Disks : 2 eSATA @ 2 TB (hardware raid 1), NAS 4 x 2 TB raid 5 Display : 21" Samsung on EVGA GeForce 9400 GT - PCIe - 1900x1080  Keyboard/mouse :  USB connected  OS Version : 10.6.0 from retail DVD + SW update to 10.6.5 - Kernel:  Vanilla mach_kernel


  • Entrant
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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2009, 04:23:54 PM »
I Have just changed my Dvd drive form a ide to a sata 1 and now its working fine,  I get about 15-20 Ebios error warnings before it boots into the Chameleon gui apart from that it boots retail and hdd fine.

Thanks for a great app


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 07:09:11 PM »
Custom Kernel support added ;)

First post updated.
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2009, 01:51:06 AM »
Added Legacy / Default options, selection of GraphicsEnabler and EthernetBultIn options et original ArtWorks. Also some code cleaning and optimizing.

First post updated.
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2009, 10:40:00 PM »

This little app is coming along nicely but 1 thing i thought ide mention it do'nt ask to add ethernet fix or graphics enabler like it should



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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2009, 01:28:38 AM »

You are not totally wrong, i know that. Actually if boot.plist already exist in "Extra Contents" it will not ask you to set those two options. The idea was to not modify custom boot.plist, and only ask the questions when auto generating the boot.plist.

Well, considering your remarks i decided to improve that part.

Now BootCDMaker will ask the questions in all cases, and will really setup the plist file to "yes" or "no" in all cases. So even if the value have been already setup it will overwrite the plist with the new setup. If the value don't exist or if the plist itself don't exist, it will works too.

Changes are implemented, as soon it will be tested roughly i will release the new version of BootCDMaker.

« Last Edit: September 13, 2009, 01:31:52 AM by Trauma »
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2009, 01:55:45 AM »
Ok Sorry my bad i didn't try without boot.plist thats why i didn't get the option.   :-[


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2009, 09:14:17 AM »
This worked very well for me to get into the installer. Since i am already on 10.6 i did not go through the install but i would say this works great. Will use it for all future 10.6 installs.


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Re: BootCDMaker
« Reply #14 on: September 22, 2009, 05:41:45 PM »
Update 22/09/09,

The app now supports spaces in path, BootCDMaker should now run from mostly everywhere.

Added plist correction in case you remove DSDT, Kernel or smbios.plist from "Extra Contents" but leave the boot.plist.

Added device-propeties edition and an options to remove chameleon GUI. Removing chameleon GUI should fix EBIOS errors for everyone, i hope.

First post updated.
Desktop : GA-EP45-DS4 / E8400 @ 3 Ghz / 2Go 1066Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chameleon v2 Apple Raid + 9.6.0 Vanilla
NetBook : MSi Wind U100-015 2 Gb 667Mhz RAM / Shutdown/Reboot/Sleep/Speedstep / Os X 10.5.6 Retail + Chamelon v2