Author Topic: Need Help Configuring Trackpad Using VooDooPS2Controller - Acer Aspire 5610z  (Read 5090 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 2
I have 10.6.3 installed on a Acer Aspire 5610z with 95%+ functionality.  As far as I know, the trackpad is a Synaptics Trackpad (but I could be wrong here).  The track pad works fine for basic functions, however 2 finger scroll is very "jerky" and not too responsive (and the other advanced functions don't seem to work well either).  In my system preferences, I have both the Apple Trackpad preferences icon (next to the Mouse icon in the 'Hardware' section of System Preferences) and I also have the VooDoo PS2 Preferences icon in the 'Other' section at the bottom of the System Preferences window.

The VooDoo preferences has a whole lot of different parameters to change, but I have no real clue what does what and trial and error has not been producing any significant results.  So my basic question is, is there a guide that tells you how to use the VooDoo parameters, together with the Apple trackpad parameters, so that I can set up the advanced track pad functions?


  • Entrant
  • Posts: 2
I wanted to add some clarification to my "jerky" description above.  When attempting to use two finger scroll, I can get some movement.  However, the movement is so jerky and sporatic that the two finger functionality is really not usable.


  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
I have the same machine and i can tell you that 2 finger scrolling is smooth and very fast responding,maybe you need to play with the settings on yours.