
Author Topic: VoodooPowerAcpi 1.2.5 for 10.6.x (12JAN10) New download links  (Read 28040 times)

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  • VoodooLabs
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VoodooPowerAcpi 1.2.5 for 10.6.x (12JAN10) New download links
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:35:11 PM »
Version 1.2.5

ACPI Edition
There are many of you who can't use VoodooPowerMini, and if you are lucky enough to have a ACPI implementation for controlling Performance Stepping, you can try this one. This will also be a part of the 1.3 release, the code was originally part of the ACPI option from GenericCPUPowerManagement.
Downloads -> Release EditionsDebug Editions and Source.

Doesn't work?
If you have so called FFixedHW or Functional Fixed Hardware implementation, you can't use this edition. You can post bug report at the bug report forum. Bugs will most likely be fixed for the 1.3.x release, not earlier.

System Requirements?
  • Any CPU with ACPI control of power management (i.e. not FFixedHW)
  • Darwin Kernel 10.x.x

It is supposed to be installed into /System/Library/Extensions/
« Last Edit: October 02, 2010, 05:59:38 AM by Superhai »