Author Topic: VoodooPs2controller 10.6.5 problems?  (Read 7898 times)

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VoodooPs2controller 10.6.5 problems?
« on: November 26, 2010, 05:40:42 AM »
Tap to click does not work what so ever, without appleps2controller in the system/library/extensions, voodoops2controller will not work. Also when moving the mouse, the mouse blinks... or while watching a video, if put the mouse over the video it blinks rapidly. scrolling makes it blink too.. not sure if that is my graphics card but I doubt it since this did not happen when I used appleps2controller instead.

Also the trackpad times out sometimes... Im using voodoops2 latest version I believe... its the trip2me one found on this forum. When saving the preferences, after reboot its all gone/needs reconfiguring. I believe my trackpad is being detected as a ps2mouse but Im not exactly sure how to check this either :S.. Last but not least, voodooprefpane constantly gives the message that it needs to restart when I click it.. and it then restarts with the words "32-bit mode" at the very top... If I reboot with 32 bit mode, all the problems above still exist but the prefpane thing goes away.

Synaptics touchpad v6.5
ATI Radeon HD.kext
AMD Athlon II
Legacy 10.5.0