Author Topic: rename a file from within chameleon  (Read 6147 times)

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rename a file from within chameleon
« on: December 21, 2011, 03:26:53 AM »
Hi all,

I've done a stupid thing, and managed to give mach_kernel the wrong name whilst playing with files to update from as 10.6.7 to 10.6.8 on my dell mini 10v, not I can't boot OSX.  stupid thing to have done, and I fully deserve to have to start from scratch for it, but if there is a way to fix it I'm all ears.  basically, all I need to do is rename mach_kernal to mach_kernel in the root folder, but i cannot for the life of me find a way to do it.  I can see the file in ubuntu (which is how i discovered my stupid stupid error) but i can't get root access for that folder without booting into OSX.

does anyone have any idea as to whether I can fix this or not?

Thanks in advance

Gringo Vermelho

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Re: rename a file from within chameleon
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2011, 04:21:31 AM »
Topic Blackholed, not a Chameleon issue.

Boot with kernel=mach_kernal doesn't work?
10.9.5 - ASUS P8Z77-V Pro - i5 3570K - GTX 660 - Chameleon 2.3 svn-r2xxx
How to...
Install Chameleon:,649
Make your own Chameleon boot CD:,484.msg2131.html#msg2131