Author Topic: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!  (Read 45093 times)

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Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« on: June 26, 2009, 07:52:35 PM »
I stumbled upon a strange problem: Chameleon v2.0RC1 prevents my Windows 7 from going to sleep!

I've got two hard drives, one has OSX 10.5.7 with Chameleon 2.0RC1 and another that has Windows 7 RC 64-bit on it. If I boot with Chameleon and then boot into Windows by selecting the System Reserved (boot partition for Win7) partition and when Win7 has started try to put it to sleep, it either comes back from sleep instantly or it shuts off the displays but fans stay running, power LED on and so on and won't wake up.

If I use a different bootloader (tested with the Xiafyhyhhr whatever found on iAtkos v7 disc) then sleep works normally in Windows. Likewise if I change the hard drive boot order from BIOS to boot first from Win7 disk, sleep works as it should.

I've also got the sleep problem in OSX. It shows exact same symptoms as Win7 w/ Chameleon 2.0 except it always goes into the "fans running, power LED on, no wake up" mode. For the record OSX sleep does not work with a different bootloader but I didn't get to try it with the default darwin bootloader because iAtkos v7 doesn't seem to be able to install it and I don't know how to do it manually.

So I'm guessing something in Chameleon is preventing sleep from working on my system?

Abit IP35 (P35, ICH9R)
Core2Quad Q9550
4GB DDR2-800
2x Samsung SATA HDD (1TB and 500GB, OSX installed on 500GB drive)
GTX260 896 MB (using EFI string and EVGA drivers)
Echo AudioFire 4 FW audio interface (so no VoodooHDA needed)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 08:52:47 PM by Kasakka »


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2009, 07:50:11 AM »
Same here,

Sleep (S3) worked before with previous Chameleon but obviously I had to F8 in BIOS to get my boot HD's and select the windows drive to go into windows (without messing with bootloader files etc)

Chameleon 2 is fantastic but it brakes sleep mode in Windows 7 x64 (b7229)

Leopard 10.5.7 seems to work fine though so it's a Windows/chameleon compability issue only.

Windows logs off and thats it, all energy settings remained the same before /after Chameleon install.

Please some help with this issue because this might turn me back to the old chameleon if that is even still possible .

Thx in advance lads

Some sys specs:

DS3P / Q6600 / 4GB / Samsung SATA DVDRW / 3 SATA drives (Leo 10.5.7 Vanilla/default boot drive, Win 7 and Storage) / 8800GT / Audigy 2 ZS

« Last Edit: June 27, 2009, 08:08:35 AM by Snow »


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #2 on: June 30, 2009, 07:49:17 AM »
Any news on this?



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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2009, 08:51:39 PM »
This problem still persists in RC2.


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2009, 12:52:34 PM »
I have exactly the same problem here  :-\

Before, deep sleep worked on both OSX and windows... now OSX doesnt go into deepsleep (this worked before).
My new notebook:
MSI X-340, Slim as an Air
2 GB Ram, Intel 723 ULV processor (SSE3 capable), Intel 4500MHD Graphics
Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Ubuntu 9.10 64bit, Currently installing Snow Leopard Vanilla, BackTrack
Currently installing Snow Leopard Vanilla, BackTrack


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #5 on: August 07, 2009, 03:50:20 AM »
Help!  I'm having the same problem with Windows 7 x64 RTM.  When I had RC1 of Chameleon, everything worked fine.

Leopard won't sleep either, the display goes off and the computer gets stuck with all fans spinning, etc.

I would like to get my sleep working again.  I use it all the time.


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2009, 03:24:29 AM »
When i try to put Windows 7 x86 RTM Ultimate to sleep, it comes back from sleep instantly but only if Windows is NOT the active partition:

With Chameleon 2.0 RCx: Sleep Fail
With GRUB (without makeactive option): Sleep Fail
With GRUB & set makeactive: Sleep Works.
With "Windows 7 loader": Sleep Works

Then, i think that Active/Not Active flag in the partition/hard drive is the trouble.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2009, 03:27:49 AM by quinielascom »


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2009, 05:24:59 AM »
Hmm... Interesting idea... I'll test that now :)

If only there was a way to make the windows partition active, then boot the chameleon partition. THe problem is that if you do this, when you select windows from the chameleon menu, you get an endless loop...

Maybe its possible to install chameleon the system partition windows 7 creates ? But this defeats the purpose of an invisible extra partition (efi partition)
My new notebook:
MSI X-340, Slim as an Air
2 GB Ram, Intel 723 ULV processor (SSE3 capable), Intel 4500MHD Graphics
Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Ubuntu 9.10 64bit, Currently installing Snow Leopard Vanilla, BackTrack
Currently installing Snow Leopard Vanilla, BackTrack

Gringo Vermelho

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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2009, 06:13:16 PM »
I don't understand how it can be possible for Chameleon to affect an OS that's installed on a separate hard drive, specially because you're not even using Chameleon to boot that drive. Sounds more like behavior of a virus than that of a boot loader.

Try unplugging the drive that has Chameleon on it and do a CMOS reset, don't forget to re-set your BIOS settings.

Then boot Windows 7 and try putting it to sleep.

10.9.5 - ASUS P8Z77-V Pro - i5 3570K - GTX 660 - Chameleon 2.3 svn-r2xxx
How to...
Install Chameleon:,649
Make your own Chameleon boot CD:,484.msg2131.html#msg2131


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2009, 08:23:57 PM »
I have Windows 7 and Leopard installed on 1 HD.  Flagging the 2nd partition (windows), Windows sleeps perfectly. Flag 1st partition (chameleon bootloader) neither OS sleeps. RC 1 was fine when it came to sleeping.  RC 2 broke sleep.


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2009, 10:24:46 PM »
I found the solution for this problem, I upgraded my vista with windows 7 and had no issues with chameleon and sleep, however I did a clean install of windows 7 and started to have this problem, I found the solution is disabling hibernate or hibryd sleep in windows 7.

To disable Hibernate in command prompt, type powercfg -h off and press enter.

I guess Windows tries to use hibryd sleep or hibernate with the active or boot partition, and that cuases the problem, also makes windows unstable.

This problem has nothing to do with chameleon, is a problem from windows and leopard by it self, if you are having problems with leopard probably is some driver o your dsdt.aml
« Last Edit: October 27, 2009, 10:30:53 PM by spongemak »


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #11 on: October 31, 2009, 05:21:02 PM »
I don't understand how it can be possible for Chameleon to affect an OS that's installed on a separate hard drive, specially because you're not even using Chameleon to boot that drive. Sounds more like behavior of a virus than that of a boot loader.

It is strange that Chameleon could be causing problems but it does.  I've encountered several problems because of Chameleon in fact, nothing that couldn't be worked around though.  (I have Chameleon 2.0 RC3 installed.)  The three problems I had were resolved by changing the boot drive from the Chameleon drive (Snow Leopard) to the Windows drive thereby bypassing Chameleon.  The problems I had:

1.) I couldn't upgrade Windows Vista to Windows 7.  Every time I tried I received an error message that a folder couldn't be created.  As soon as I changed the BIOS to boot Windows exclusively I didn't receive an error.

2.) Windows 7 wouldn't go to sleep.  Bypassing Chameleon let the computer go to sleep without incident.  (I did resolve the issue using Spongemak's recommendation.)

3.) I tried registering my system for the beta of a new game in development.  The web site scans the system hardware, and when it did this I kept receiving an error that the system couldn't be scanned.  Again, changing the BIOS boot order to bypass Chameleon resolved the issue.

I don't know how or why Chameleon causes these minor issues (and they are minor) but by bypassing Chameleon I think it does demonstrate it is something with Chameleon causing the problem.


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #12 on: November 21, 2009, 12:06:15 AM »
My config:
Chameleon 2.0RC3 - BIOS Booted
One Disk - MBR synced to GPT:
EFI System Partition
MacOS 10.6.2
Windows 7

boot0 in MBR
boot1h in MacOS partition

What I found out:

boot0 tries to find active partition in MBR
if found, it loads the boot code of this partition an executes it
if there is no active partition, it searches for an HFS+ partition
as far as I can tell from the boot0 assembler code, it makes also
use of the GPT for this step. If found, it executes the boot code.

So if Windows is active, the boot1h is never executed and Windows is booted

On the other hand: If the active partition contains boot1h (= MacOS partition) then
one can choose to boot Windows from boot1h, but the Windows system partition is not active.

Unfortunatly, Windows 7 needs its system partition to be active for a couple of things.
That are:
1a. BCDEDIT does not know where its config is (can be overcome by /store C:\BOOT\BCD)
1b. Tools as easyBCD dont work either
1c. and of course the boot priority settings dont work either
2. Hibernation does not work because it wants to write to the active partition
3. Sleep mode does not work because the default is "Hybrid-Sleep" which is a combination of Standby and Hibernation (this can be overcome by turning Hybrid-Sleep off in the advanced power settings)

The only thing to fix this IMHO is to let boot0 ignore active partitions and search for boot1h
in a different way.

Maybe one could make a boot1h ID like this (pseudo ASM):
jmp .start
data magic number

and let boot0 search for the magic number on all MBR partitions, ignoring the active flag.

(for a single HFS partition on the disk this is almost built into boot0 already, you have just
to disable the search for an active partition UNTESTET)

Now I'd like to hear some feedback.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2009, 12:19:23 AM by hb76 »


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #13 on: November 21, 2009, 03:52:57 PM »

I disabled the lookup for the active partition in boot0.

Now the Windows partition can be active AND boot0 finds the boot1h partition via GUID.

Sleep, BCDEDIT and hibernation works (in Windows 7).

Edit: I will provide detailed instructions soon.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2009, 11:13:59 AM by hb76 »


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Re: Chameleon 2.0RC1 and RC2 prevents sleep - on Windows!
« Reply #14 on: November 21, 2009, 11:22:20 PM »
I don't really understand exactly how you have done this, but well done as I have found it a pain that Windows 7 won't sleep when using a modified booter. :)
10.10.5 / 10.11 GM1 | Asus Maximum IV Gene-Z | i7-2600 3.40GHz | 4GB | Radeon 5770 1GB