Author Topic: Windows XP partition doesn't appear in list of bootable partitions Chameleon RC3  (Read 3266 times)

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  • Entrant
  • Posts: 1
My hard drive is partitioned MBR like this:
1: Windows XP (FAT32, 64 GB, lba)
2: Storage (NTFS 120 GB)
3: Mac OS X (HFS+ 40 GB, boot)
4: Windows 7 (NTFS 16 GB)
I previously ran 10.5 using the default Darwin bootloader with no problems booting between XP, OS X and Windows 7.  When I upgraded to Snow Leopard and installed Chameleon RC3, the only partitions that show up on the bootable list is my Storage, Mac OS X and Windows 7 partitions.  If I make my XP partition bootable using GParted, Window starts just fine, and I can use chain0 to get back to the Chameleon bootloader however nothing boots properly due to a Boot.plist not being present.  If I had Default Partition=hd(0,1) to Boot.plist, the text below the appearing hard drive is garbled, and then if I push enter it throws a missing kernel error and doesn't start.  ~So~ I believe this is a bug since the previous Darwin bootloader had no problems displaying my XP partition and booting it properly - maybe it has something to do with it being FAT32 and over 32GB in size or it being lba?  Thanks for any suggestions.


  • Observer
  • Posts: 10
Yes, also my Windows XP on Fat32 partition does not appear on Boot screen.

partition 1 HFS+  = Mac OS X
partition 2 NTFS  = Windows Vista
partition 3 FAT32 = Windows XP